Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Snack Attack

Snacks are part of a healthy diet.  In fact, to let you in on a little secret, snacks have secret powers.  These super powers include helping you manage your weight, increasing your focus ability, maintaining your stamina, and maximizing your nutrition.

Your metabolism can be compared to a wood fire.  You have to keep stoking the fire and adding logs to prevent it from going out.  Snacks would be equivalent to keeping the fire, which is our metabolism, stoked. Ideally, you should not go more than a few hours without eating something. Often this looks like: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner.  This habit will help you control portions at meals by preventing drastic blood sugar drops prior to meal time.  A well maintained blood sugar also helps us make wiser food choices.  The lower your blood sugar falls, the more your body naturally craves simply sugars which also means fat.   Choosing a snack that has a moderate amount of carbohydrate (around 30 grams) combined with a protein source is best for tiding your hunger and keeping your blood sugar level. 

Blood Sugar drops also cause a decreased ability to concentrate. Low blood sugar signs include irritability, sluggishness, headaches, and nausea.  Each of these symptoms makes it obvious why you might have difficulty focusing on the task at hand when your blood sugar is low. More accidents occur mid afternoon which is believed to possibly be linked to lower blood sugar at that time and the accompanying side effects
Most of us don’t get all the nutrients we need at meal times. Snack time is a great way to catch up on what you are lacking.  In general, fruits and vegetables are the greatest need.  The newest “Daily Intake Recommendations” now suggest that individuals need 9 to 11 servings of fruit and vegetables combined daily.   For some it may be that they simply need the extra calories in snacks to meet their nutrition  requirements. This is most often true of athletes , toddlers, and adolescents.  Everyone’s nutrition needs are unique and what they may need to get in their snacks, may vary from water to Omega-3, to many other needs.  Snacks are a perfect way to capture those missing nutrients you may need.

There are some general guidelines for snacking.  You shouldn’t need a snack less than 2 hours after having a balanced meal.  Most snacks should be between 150-200 calories each.  It is helpful to prepackage snacks so they are the proper portion. If you are tempted to eat more, remember that it may take your brain at least 15 minutes to determine you are really satisfied. Try to include a glass of water or other no calorie beverage with your snack. Keep healthy choices at hand that you know have the nutrients your body needs.  Poor planning often leads to poor choices. 
And by the way . . . if you're serious about taking your health and fitness to the next level, why not take advantage of our FREE Fitness Consultation at Personal Best? (a $65 value) During this consult, you'll receive detailed information on how to get fit and trim that's tailored to YOUR body. There's no obligation and it's totally and completely free.
We are here to help you reach your Personal Best.

From Personal Best Fitness’ Nutritionist

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