Sunday, November 14, 2010

How to Run Faster - Part #2

When ready to run faster, be it 1 Mile or Marathon or anything in between, there are some cross training exercises you can do that will begin to strengthen up your fast twitch muscle fibers, that make you run faster.

#1 Foot Scrape.
This will strengthen your gluteal muscles and hamstrings.   Practice your running form against a wall. Keeping good posture, raise your knee straight in front of you as high as you can, and be sure it doesn’t bend to the side. Place the ball of your foot against the wall; scrape your foot down the wall quickly. Then follow through and scrape your foot on the ground beside your stationary foot. Repeat quickly 30 times each foot.

#2 Quick shuffle your feet.
This will strengthen your quadriceps and calf muscles.
Keeping good posture, and keeping your heels slightly raised, shuffle your right foot about half the distance of your left, and the your left about half the distance of your right. Do this as quickly as possible for a distance of about 10 yards. Turn around and repeat. The bottom of your feet may feet kind of warm due to the fast and furious friction on them.

#3 Side to Side Hops.
This will strengthen your knees, hips, ankle joints as well as calf, quad, hamstring and glute muscles.
Pick an object, line or stick to jump side to side over 20 repetitions.
Here’s to reaching your Personal Best.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Running's Golden Rule

No new shoes, no new hats, no new socks or racing flats.
No new sunscreen, no new bra, no new shirts, they’ll rub you raw.
No new skirts because they’re cute, or first time running in your Elvis suit.
No new shorts or new spandex, they’ll most likely chaff your delicates.
No new headbands, bandanas or funny Afro wigs, and that new Garmin won’t tell you to zag when you should zig.
No new bottles on your back, or bottles on your waist, no new drinks within those bottles, you don’t know how they taste.
No new blocks or shots or running in your Crocs, No new gels or energy bars, and running way too far.
Don’t wait until the race to try Vasaline on your toes, and don’t wait until the race to try a Breath Rite on your nose.
Don’t stuff 20 gels into your new short’s pocket, and don’t wait until race day to blow your first snot-rocket.
If you practice with your gear, you won’t look like a fool, that’s why Nothing New On Race Day, is Running’s Golden Rule.