Sunday, April 10, 2011

Get Stronger and More Flexible With These 3 Simple Moves

Did you know there's one simple activity most people rarely do after their workouts?

Plus, there's the benefits you get, like improved circulation and reduced stress (you DO know that stressing out causes you to tense your muscles without even realizing it, right?)
That's why today I'm going to share with you 4 simple moves (taken from Yoga) that practically anyone can do.

Cat stretch  This is simple but effective. It stretches your spine, increases abdominal strength and may help relieve back pain. Start by getting down on all fours. Now place your palms face down on the floor, like you're doing a pushup. Your knees should be underneath your hips and your shins should be resting on the floor. Inhale. As you do, let your spine curve towards the floor naturally, as you bring your head up to look at the ceiling. Now exhale. As you do, round your spine up towards the ceiling (think of a cat stretching after they wake up). Bring your eyes to your belly button as you do this. Repeat 9 more times, slowly.

Downward dog  Start on all fours again. Hands on the floor in a pushup position, under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.  Now walk your hands out a few inches in front of you. Once you're in this position, bring your hips and butt towards the ceiling, while keeping your feet planted on the ground. It should look like an inverted "V." Your feet should be hip-width apart, knees slightly bent. Hold this position while inhales and exhale deeply, 3 times. Then return to the starting position. Repeat 9 more times, SLOWLY.

Warrior Lunge  This will work your legs/butt and give you a great stretch at the same time. Stand with both feet together. Lunge forward with your right leg. Bend the right knee until it makes a 90 degree angle. Do NOT go past this 90 degree bend. Now, push your hips forward and raise both arms towards the ceiling. You'll feel a great stretch all over. Go back to the starting position. Now lunge forward with the left leg, bringing the hips  as forward and down as you can, with the arms stretched upwards. Hold the lunge position for 3 deep breaths before returning to the starting position. Continue alternating until you've done 10 stretches with each leg.
Make sure you stretch after your workouts. And when you do, throw in one or more of these basic yoga poses in there as well to increase your flexibility AND strength. 

And by the way ... if you're serious about taking your health and fitness to the next level, why not take advantage of your FREE Fitness Consultation? (an $65 value)

During this consult, you'll receive detailed information on how to get fit and trim that's tailored to YOUR body. It's the worry and stress-free way to get fit by summertime and reach your Personal Best.

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