Friday, December 10, 2010

Running Safety Part 1

With the days getting shorter, the options we have to getting in our runs outside are a little more limited. Never the less, there is nothing that makes me feel more invigorated than a run on my favorite route. It can still be done, but some safety precautions must be taken.

Always Face Oncoming Traffic. When running on the road, day or night, be sure to always stay on the left hand side of the road to face oncoming traffic. My Grandmother used to always tell me, “Face the cars so you can look the driver in the eye.” You have the best reaction and safety time the further away you can see the car coming.

Wear reflective or lit gear. When it comes to running gear, (shoes, jacket, hat, etc.)  It seems that most nowadays come with a stripe or two of reflective gear. There are even running caps now with L.E.D. lights in the bill, like headlights for better sight while running. There are also lightweight head lamps and blinking lights to help you be seen better while running at dusk or dark.

Safety in Numbers. Yes, it may be a pain to find someone to run with or wait around on your friends BUT there is no better accountability or safety factor than a group of 2 or more. When there are 2 or more looking out for each other, the “safety rating” of each run dramatically improves.

Common Sense. There is no better indicator of safety or danger than your own intuition or use of you should and shouldn’t do. Trust that gut feeling.

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