Wednesday, October 20, 2010

How to Run Faster - Part 1

We all have the ability to run many different speeds over an infinite number of distances. We all have the desire to reach our Personal Best and to test the limits of our bodies within our own comfort zones. Whether you ran 2:01 at your last half marathon and have the inner desire to run 1:59 next time…. Or you wish to waste your cocky friend who is always letting you know they beat you; there are a few simple things you can do to instantly gain some speed.

Muscle Types
While there are many types of muscle fibers in our body, the fibers that effect runner’s speed are fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fibers. Fast twitches are large, powerful and want you to hurry hury hurry to the margaritas at the finishline. Slow twitch muscle fibers are smaller, have good endurance, and are more chilled out because there are plenty margaritas at the finishline for everyone.
Most runners work their slow twitch muscle fibers when they go for a run and continue to increase their endurance. Staying comfortable within a run is very important, however, to get faster, there will a few workouts that will cause you to be uncomfortable for a short while we push your large muscle fibers to grow and become stronger. The point is… to run faster, you have to practice running faster.

The Workout
Start with short distances. If you have a goal of running 8 minute miles instead of 9 minute miles, practice running 8 minute miles over a shorter distance, such as a Quarter mile or 1 time around a track. Take a rest and do your new pace again. Keep repeating until you cannot hold the new pace anymore. Give yourself a day of rest to recover, and practice it again.

The Test
After a few weeks of practicing your new pace, test yourself and see how long you can run and hold your new pace. Using a 400-meter track is a good judge because of the known and regulated distances.
Next time I will share specific exercises that will make you faster and continue to help you reach your Personal Best.

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