Thursday, September 16, 2010

How to Run - Lesson #4

Running in Middle TN you are left with no choice but to run up a hill or three on your run of seemingly any distance. There are countless things you can do mentally to get up the hill, and while I have heard of 100's and I'm sure there are 100's more. For example, some look at the top of the hill, some don’t look; some sing Happy Birthday, and some count their steps; while others take the hill one tree, bush or mailbox at a time. While your choices are infinite to mentally get you up a hill, there are couple of things you can do biomechanically to help you be more efficient running up a hill.

Remember: “Lift Lift Lean”

Tip #1: Lift your arms
While your arms are swinging relaxed and loose in a forward and back motion about the height of your hip bone on a typical run that is flat, while running up hill you want them in a subtly different position.  Slightly lift your arms so they are swinging forward and back at about the height of your ribs, and then PUMP them. Exaggerate the arm motion from your shoulders, and your legs will follow the pace of your arms.

Strength Tip:
You can strengthen your “running arm pump” in the gym by holding some 5-10 pound weights and pumping your arms in your running motion for 30-60 seconds at a time.

Tip #2: Lift your knees
You’ll want to be sure to lift your knees and pick up your cadence and stride pace a little, much as if you were riding a bike up a hill and you’d switch into an easier gear.

Tip #3: Lean into the hill
As you lean into the hill, you may get the feeling that you are falling up the hill. We are going to let momentum and gravity help us out here, and lean towards our goal while our shorter stride and pace keep our balance and momentum.

Remember to Lift Lift Lean and run those hills your Personal Best.

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